Kids Become WRITERS with the Add On Game!!

By Elsie Moses-Hoeg


April 14, 2020

Now, when we mention writing to kids, the frequent response is “Ugh.”

Well we can change that response to “Yeah!”

Here is an activity guaranteed to entertain your kids while enhancing their writing skills.

As a family, one of our favorite activities was Add On. You can play it anywhere and at any time. And kids never get tired of it.

This game uses drawing and socializing to develop language, reading, and writing skills. 


  • large paper taped to the wall
  • markers


  • While standing, one person starts to draw a picture. As soon as they pick up their marker from the paper, it is the other person’s turn. 
  • As each person adds to the drawing, talk about the draw. What is it? Who is the drawing about? 
  • Repeat taking turns until the drawing is done or the timer goes off. (10 minutes depending on age of child.)


  • Partner 1 writes a sentence to start the story about the picture. 
  • Then Partner 2 adds a sentence. 
  • Repeat taking turns until the story is complete.

Why it works:

  • It is easier to write when standing up! And a marker is easier to use than a pencil.
  • As the parent, you can direct the drawing and the writing by what you add. If the story needs a problem, use your sentence to add a problem. 
    • The adult contribution raises the quality of the drawing and the story making the end product something the child is excited and proud of. 
    • This motivates the child to share it with everyone. That means reading the story to everyone they know.
    •  Each time the child shares the story, his or her sense of accomplishment and confidence soars. 

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